Soundsory for Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing is much more than hearing

Listening/Auditory Processing is about being able to receive, focus on, and use what you hear. 

Soundsory can help with sensory processing and sound sensitivity in children.

Soundsory is an innovative music and movement therapy program that effectively complements conventional therapy, enhancing sensory processing and motor skills in both children and adults.

The ability to listen is a complex skill where many things can go wrong. Sound waves make the eardrum vibrate. Tiny bones in the middle ear transmit the movement to a liquid in the inner ear. Waves in the liquid trigger hair cells in the cochlea and vestibular system to send nerve signals to the brain.

Then the true miracle begins: the brain sends the information far and deep, interprets and takes action. The question is how well your brain is handling the information. This is what Dr Tomatis called listening long before the term auditory processing was invented.

When your listening – or auditory processing – is not working as it should, some information is delayed, ends up in the wrong place, or is lost in translation.