Inner Balance

With or without technology, learn how to restore and maintain your inner balance.  Can you find that sweet spot that could possible this help avoid meltdowns?

Based on my own Research Project and life experiences there is a sweet spot enabled by breathing techniques that may lift you out of potential meltdowns, when you feel one coming on. (I know you know when one is building).

With or without technology, join me and the programs and tools I offer to find that sweet spot and practice until it becomes a habit as it has for me.

Inner Balance Without Technology

A six week program of breathing techniques to which can be run via Zoom for you and your family.

Next step – get the Inner Balance App and Bluetooth device.

Inner Balance with Technology

more to add…

Re-Learn Autism offers:

  • The Inner Balance non-technology package – click here to learn more and purchase.
  • The Inner Balance® tool by itself – click here to purchase from the US.
  • Additionally, once the Tool as arrived, add the 6 week coaching package to learn how to use.
  • Follow up packages from the initial package will also be available.