About Adrienne

Meltdowns are common and as a child I used to have a few of my own – it will end in tears! Find me someone who is constantly in a regulated state. Watching the growing emergence of Meltdowns in society, particularly those that seemingly come out of nowhere, maintaining self regulation became my focus. I read research, explored therapies over the last 15-20 years quite intensely, particularly for those with Autism.
I wanted to find out what caused them.This led me to studying the heart/brain connection, and the Poly-Vagal Theory (PVT), firstly. This culminated in my own research project – “What influence does resting heart rate have on the frequency of Meltdowns?”

I am a researcher and I have been researching autism, interventions and the heart/brain connection for many years.

My main interests have been – Education, Neuroscience and Technology and I have managed to wrap all of those together in a Masters of Learning Science and Technology.

My mission:

To help people on the Autism Spectrum or experiencing learning difficulties, through:

  • Learning to breath to reduce anxiety levels and self regulate.
  • Learning how to use technology tools to assist and support them with any learning difficulties, including dyslexia, speech, focus and attention.
  • Finding the tools and methods to communicate – what is happening for them from the inside or the outside.
Can breathing exercises and building that habit, used at the right time, mitigate meltdowns?

In other arenas of life I am a mother of an adult teacher, I am a teacher/trainer from school to corporate, a business woman, business analyst, and an e-learning instructional designer.

And have some other loves – horses, travel and more recently adopting sailing as an interest. Although novice, I love time on the water.

How can I be of service?


Informed by Research.

Informed by those on the spectrum as they found their voice, much has changed over the years.

With the opportunities, I have spoken about the Heart/Brain Connection and Poly-vagal Theory, along with my own research project.

My own research topic was:

“What is the co-relation between resting heart rate and the frequency of meltdowns in children with autism”.

Former Conferences:

  • H.E.L.P. Conference 2015 – Melbourne.
  • SEPLA Conference 2015 – Central Coast
  • SEPLA -CON 2019 – Rosehill Racecourse, Rydes Parramatta
  • SEPLA – Special Education Principals’ and Leaders’ Association NSW.